Friday, February 17, 2012

How I evaded black noodle day and scored myself a Valentine :)

So I wrote a Valentine's Day blog post, but I lost it....and left shortly after on vacation, so things have been crazy.

Basically.......I am living in South Korea (I need to post on here more often!) and Valentine's Day traditions are a little different in this country.

On Valentine's Day, girls give GUYS the chocolate. Crazy, huh???? I was a little upset, not gonna lie. Not that I expected chocolate anyway...I just moved here and the only time I get out is to go to church. But there is one guy- an adorable Korean boy, who I have been crushing on for WEEKS. But since he barely speaks English, I'm not sure he was getting the vibes, and even if he was picking up on my "HEY CUTIE I REALLY LIKE YOU ASK ME OUT" signals, he might think better of it considering the "we don't speak the same language" logistics.

So anyways, if I expected to have a Valentine, *I* would have to make the move (something I almost never do). In all fairness, Korean men give women candy and presents on White Day, March 14th, but who wants candy when they could have chocolate? On April 14th, all those who received nothing on Valentine's Day or White Day get to celebrate the bitterness of singlehood by going to a Korean restaurant and eating black noodles. Black as in death. Black as in mourning. Even though I longed for adorable Korean boy to ask me out, I am not delusional, and as he hadn't responded to any of my hints, I fully expected to be eating black noodles in April.

The night before Valentine's Day, I bought myself some Ferrero Rocher hazelnut truffles. I listened to music and savored the truffles, hoping to forget about the boy I had been thinking about non-stop all weekend. I was surprised that I was depressed about Valentine's Day. Usually being single doesn't bother me, but this year the bitterness was creeping in, before the holiday had even begun.

Then, the unthinkable happened. Adorable Korean boy ASKED ME OUT. For Valentine's Day. Completely out of the blue.

I was ELATED. Maybe it was the combination: this boy I had been crushing on but had lost all hope that he might like me too, and the bitterness of being alone while the world is celebrating a day of love and romance. In any case, I wanted to dance and sing down the streets, hug unsuspecting Korean strangers. I felt like Cinderella, swept off her feet.

Of course the next day, some of the elation dissolved as I became super nervous. How are we going to COMMUNICATE? I know like three phrases in Korean!!

Luckily, it was a great night :) I'm leaving out a lot of details, because I don't want to make this blog my personal diary (who knows who could be reading this????) but the adorable Korean boy gave me a great date AND delicious chocolate for Valentine's Day.

So Happy Valentines Day! Remember, dreams do come true! :)



P.S. pictures to camera is being lame and not uploading pics.

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